Sibin Mohan, The George Washington University, USA (
Benjamin Lesage, ONERA, France (
RTSS2022 organizers thank Statinf ( for supporting money awards to the RTSS2022 best papers and best presentation awardees as well as for compensating the CO2 cost of RTSS2022 video streaming.

RTSS2022 organizers thank Inria ( for supporting the video streaming by providing livestorm access and support.

Platinum Sponsor: $20000
(Only one sponsor)
- Sponsorship announced in the introduction at the start of the conference.
- Logo and company name on RTSS’22 website and conference program
- Company can supply fliers/brochures and small branded items to be distributed in delegate bags to each delegate (e.g. note pads, pens, USB-Sticks)
- Two free conference registrations
- One table for a company representative at the conference
- Exclusive sponsorship – limited to one company only
Gold Sponsor: $10000
- Sponsorship announced in the introduction at the start of the conference.
- Logo and company name on RTSS’22 website and conference program
- Companies can supply fliers/brochures and small branded items to be distributed in delegate bags to each delegate (e.g. note pads, pens, USB-Sticks)
- One free conference registration
- One table for a company representative at the conference
Silver sponsor: $5000
- Sponsorship announced in the introduction at the start of the conference.
- Logo and company name on RTSS’22 website and conference program
- Companies can supply fliers/brochures and small branded items to be distributed in delegate bags to each delegate (e.g. note pads, pens, USB-Sticks)
- One free conference registration
Bronze sponsor: $2500
- Sponsorship announced in the introduction at the start of the conference.
- Logo and company name on RTSS’22 website and conference program
Award sponsorship: $3000
- Sponsorship can be gift/donation money or prizes/donation of devices/equipment for the best paper, best student paper, and best presentation awards.
- Sponsorship announced when the awards are presented.
- Logo and company name on RTSS’22 website and conference program
- Exclusive sponsorship – limited to one company only